Red World Mesas

 Had some time earlier this month to work on some terrain to use with my Red World ships and finally had some time to write a post. I decided to make some mesas to use as 'islands' for G&G as well as some rocky patches to count as 'shallows'. 

Here are the finished mesas (2 large and 2 small) and rock fields (4).  

I began by cutting out the bases from cardboard and then laying increasingly small sections which were glued on top with a 1-to-1 PVA/Water mix. The bases that would become rock fields are mostly at the front here. To these I added a single second layer to create a gentle 'hill' affect. 

A closer look at one of the smaller mesas bases, with a WIP base of flyers in the foreground. These flyers are made from carved down matchsticks with painted cardstock sails. The flight stands were made from a piece of cut paperclip glue into holes made with a hobby knife.

Spackle was used to fill in the edges and smooth down the landmasses. I wasn't too worried about everything being perfectly smooth or covered at this stage, as I could cover any mistakes with sand and red weed later on. 

Here are the landmasses with added rocks and sand. They have also had two layers of dark red paint with a quick dry brushing with a lighter shade - exactly the same as the ship bases!

Hints of things to come! Here are some concepts for Martian buildings - a fortress and farmhouse. Both are about 2x2cm. 


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